The Crate Racin’ USA Melvin Corum Memorial resumes this Friday, June 21. The program was started on June 1, but a rain shower interrupted the program after the first two heat races were completed and eventually halted. Those results were locked in and the remaining heat, B-main, and main event will be completed this Friday night. All other divisions that were scheduled to race on June 1 will also be racing. There will be no new entries for the local divisions.
Pit gates will open at 4:00 and grandstand gates will open at 5:00. The drivers meeting is scheduled for 7:15 with hot laps starting at 8:00.
Ticket stubs and armbands from June 1 will be good for this Friday. Otherwise, tickets are $25 for adults with kids 9 and under free, Pit passes are $40, kids 12 and under are $30.